Building Stronger & Healthier Stepfamilies,
one STEP at a time.

Diverse Speakers, Common Goal
Our distinguished lineup boasts 28 speakers, all united by a shared focus on navigating conflict. 
Learn from seasoned stepfamily coaches, psychologists, and influential voices as they guide you
toward practical strategies and perspectives that can lay the foundation
for a more peaceful and cohesive stepfamily experience.
Click speaker's picture to learn more about them and their topics

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Amy Stone in a pink sleeveless dress.

Amy Stone
Tips For Walking
The Stepparent Tightrope

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Anthony Cancel

Anthony Cancel
Navigating Legal Complexities in Stepfamilies -
Understanding the Impact of Biological Parents on Everyday Family Decisions / Life

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Brenda Ockun

Brenda Ockun
Moms & Stepmoms - We Don't We Get Along?

Brittney Phillips
Overcoming Past Baggage: Navigating Conflict in
Your Blended Family

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Ginger Gentile in a red dress

Ginger Gentile
What Does My Alienated Child
Think About Me?

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Heidi Farrel in a beige top

Heidi Farrell
Get on the Same Page! Managing Discipline Differences in a Stepfamily

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Heather Hetchler

Heather Hetchler
Emotional Flooding -
How to Navigate Your Spouse's Outbursts

Stepfamily Summit Speakers Jayna & Mike Haney

Jayna and Mike Haney
Conflict to Connection - Quick Ways to Create Harmony in Your Marriage and Home
Hot Topics in Blended Families: Solutions, Partnering, and Fun

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Joel Hawbaker

Joel Hawbaker
Three Tips and Hard Truth About Conflict Resolution in Stepfamilies

Laura Petherbridge
Letting Go of Control and Establishing Healthy Boundaries

Lori & David Sims
Exploring Nacho Kids - More Than Just a Tool for Stepfamilies

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Mary T Kelly

Mary T. Kelly 
Conflict To Connection
Keeping It Light When Things Get Heated

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Dr. Michaela Bucchianeri wearing a blue top

Dr. Michaela Bucchianeri
"How to Chill Out When
Things Heat Up"
Simple practices to help regulate your nervous system in
the midst of conflict

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Miryka Yeates in a paisley top

Miryka Yeates
Creating Calm Conversations

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Monica Chaney in a black top

Monica Chaney
How expectations can
cause conflict in our stepfamilies

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Rachel Brace

Rachel Brace
The Ties That Bind - Loyalty Conflicts For Children in Stepfamilies

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Dr. Sonia Cann-Milland

Dr. Sonia Cann-Milland 
Managing Conflict with
Empathy & Understanding

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Susan Haworth

Susan Haworth
How to Feel Safe in Stepfamily Relationships: Avoiding and Disarming Emotional Landmines

Stepfamily Summit Speakers Susan Haworth and Ty Supancic

Susan Haworth & Ty Supancic
Mediating Stepfamily Conflicts from
a Family Law Perspective

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Susan Lancaster

Susan Lancaster
Navigating Complex Relationships in Stepfamilies

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Susan Lancaster in a green motif top

Tracy Poizner
Harpooned - When A Toxic Energetic Relationship Lingers On After Divorce

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Georgina Warren

Georgina Warren
Author of 
Tales of Virtuous Stepmothers

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Renee Bolla

Renee Bolla
Author of 
The Truth About Stepmoms

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Samantha Berger

Samantha Berger 
Author of 
100 books for young readers

Stepfamily Summit Speaker Holly Maxson

Holly Maxson
Stepmom to Holly

BONUS: Author Speaker Panel 
Redefining Stepmoms: Breaking Stereotypes and Embracing Positivity in Stepfamilies

Claudette Chenevert
Conflict Can Lead to Positive Outcomes - Tips for Those Who Tend To Avoid Conflict

Claudette Chenevert - host, producer, and presenter of The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit since 2020

Navigating the Complexities of Stepfamily Life: 
Tools for Conflict Resolution and Harmony

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Daily Learning, Flexible Access
Each day, enjoy access to a curated selection of 24 enriching presentations
available for a 24-hour window. Immerse yourself in valuable teachings 
at your own pace, enabling you to make tangible changes in your stepfamily dynamic.

Here's What you get with your FREE Access Pass

  • Access to Expert Insights: Gain valuable insights and proven strategies from experienced stepfamily experts during the 3 day event.
  • Transformative Workbook: Receive a comprehensive workbook designed to guide your learning and help you implement actionable steps.
  • Connection in Private Community: Join a private stepfamily community where you can connect, share, and learn from other stepmothers who understand your journey.
  • Exclusive Free Offers from Speakers: Enjoy bonus resources and offerings provided by our expert speakers, adding even more value to your stepfamily journey.
  • Access to Stepmom Resource Library: Dive into a curated collection of resources tailored to stepmothers, providing additional support beyond the summit. 
  • Bonus Stepmom Author's Panel: As a participant, you’ll receive lifetime access to this insightful interview, along with a special workbook featuring curated questions and a handy cheat sheet.

Secure your spot now to access these valuable resources
and take the first step towards enhancing your stepfamily journey.

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit:
September 11, 12 & 13

You deserve unprecedented access to a select group of trusted experts with firsthand knowledge of stepfamily life's hiccups and heartaches. Having been in your shoes, our presenters launched their practices with a mission to help others navigate the challenges, dynamics and stressors unique to families like ours. 

Back in the day? There were no role models to follow. There were no books or magazines on the topic. There were no programs or seminars to enroll in. In short, there was nowhere to turn for answers we desperately needed. Now that there is, give yourself (and your loved ones) the "Ultimate" gift. Register today!

On a Personal Note 
by Claudette Chenevert
Host, Producer, Presenter

Having been a stepparent for 30+ years, let me tell you: I get how hard it can be! My two stepdaughters are adults now and so is my son, whom my husband helped raise as his stepdad. Sure, some aspects of stepfamily life get easier, but the challenges never end.

I created The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit with YOU in mind—plain and simple—with a goal of helping you ride out the ups and downs of stepfamily life with greater knowledge, resources and grace.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to say "Hi!" while attending the 5th Ultimate Stepfamily Summit.


Claudette Chenevert
The Stepmom Coach
