2024 Banner Thank you with 28 speakers and StepMom Magazine Logo

Welcome video from Claudette Chenevert, host, producer, and presenter of
The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit since 2020

2024 Stepfamily Summit Streaming Videos

This year's Summit is Sponsored by StepMom Magazine

Click Here To Visit The  Stepmom Online Magazine Website

Bonus material

Author Panel - Redefining Stepmoms - Breaking Stereotypes & Embracing Positivity in Stepfamilies

Bonus example of the Premium per-session workbook that is included
at the VIP level
VIP Workbook link

Summit Wrap Up and Thank You!

Day One - September 11 2024

Anthony Cancel - Navigating Legal Complexities in Stepfamilies

Rachel Brace - The Ties That Bind - Loyalty Conflicts For Children in Stepfamilies

Heidi Farrell - Get on the Same Page! Managing Discipline Differences in a Stepfamily

Amy Stone - Tips For Walking The Stepparent Tightrope

Brittney Phillips - Overcoming Past Baggage - Navigating Conflict in Your Blended Family

Miryka Yeates - Creating Calm Conversations

Laura Petherbridge - Letting Go of Control and Establishing Healthy Boundaries

Susan Lancaster - Navigating Complex Relationships in Stepfamilies

Day Two - September 12 2024

Ginger Gentile - What Does My Alienated Child Think About Me?

Dr. Sonia Cann-Milland - Managing Conflict with Empathy & Understanding

Heather Hetchler - Emotional Flooding - How to Navigate Your Spouse's Outbursts

Ty Supancic & Susan Haworth - Mediating Stepfamily Conflicts from a Family Law Perspective

Brenda Ockun - Moms & Stepmoms - Why Don't We get along?

Jayna and Mike Haney - Conflict to Connection - Quick Ways to Create Harmony in Your Marriage + Home

Lori and David Sims - Exploring Nacho Kids - More Than Just a Tool for Stepfamilies

Day Three- September 13 2024

Tracy Poizner - Harpooned - When A Toxic Energetic Relationship Lingers On After Divorce

Dr. Michaela Bucchianeri - "How to Chill Out When Things Heat Up" - Simple practices to help regulate your nervous system in the midst of conflict

Mary T. Kelly - Conflict To Connection - Keeping It Light When Things Get Heated

Monica Chaney - How expectations can cause conflict in our stepfamilies

Susan Haworth - How to Feel Safe in Stepfamily Relationships: Avoiding and Disarming Emotional Landmines

Jayna and Mike Haney - Hot Topics in Blended Families: Solutions, Partnering, and Fun

Joel Hawbaker - Three Tips and Hard Truth About Conflict Resolution in Stepfamilies

Claudette Chenevert - Conflict Can Lead to Positive Outcomes
