Building Stronger & Healthier Stepfamilies, 
one STEP at a time.

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To Our 4th Ultimate Stepfamily Summit!


Attend for FREE to our 4th Ultimate Stepfamily Summit

September 13th to 15th, 2023

3  Days of Video Interviews with Stepfamily Experts

Join us at the 4th Ultimate Stepfamily Summit and embark on a transformative journey
towards building a stronger, healthier, and happier blended family.

Connect with like-minded individuals, hear inspirational stories, and get access to expert guidance
and resources you need to navigate the complexities of stepfamily life.


There's never been a better time to invest in your family's future. 
Reserve your spot today, and let's begin this journey together.

Sign up now!

This year's theme is:

The Power of Perspective:
Transforming Stepfamilies through
Mindset Mastery

Presented by
Claudette Chenevert - host, producer, and presenter of
The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit since 2020

What Can I Do to make 
Stepfamily Life More Livable?

Stepfamilies face unique challenges most nuclear families simply don't, such as:

  • Role ambiguity
  • Intrusive exes & stepkids
  • Confusing or conflicting priorities
  • Mixed emotions about "ours babies"
  • Stepparent/Parental Alienation
  • Unequal power & control
  • Outsider Syndrome
  • Stepmom/stepparent stigma
  • High-conflict household dynamics
  • A need to step away or disengage
  • Absent or weak boundaries
  • Extreme guilt or shame

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit:
September 13, 14 & 15, 2023

You deserve unprecedented access to a select group of trusted experts with firsthand knowledge of stepfamily life's hiccups and heartaches. Having been in your shoes, our presenters launched their practices with a mission to help others navigate the challenges, dynamics and stressors unique to families like ours. 

Back in the day? There were no role models to follow. There were no books or magazines on the topic. There were no programs or seminars to enroll in. In short, there was nowhere to turn for answers we desperately needed. Now that there is, give yourself (and your loved ones) the "Ultimate" gift. Register today!

What makes our event
The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit?

We'll let our happy attendees answer that one!

Last summer, my fiance, my stepson and me travelled to the West Coast in the USA. My daughter was not with us as she left 3 years before to live with her father and I knew very little about her.

I was already following StepMom Magazine on Instagram and got in contact with Heidi Farrell, she invited me to join Stepfamily Summit last September.

I watched almost all the videos online. They were fascinating for me. I felt so validated about what was going in my stepfamily life and about what experts talked on the summit, about how to make steps to live better in a stepfamily and how to give ease and facilitate children's lives within that dynamic. It's not as easy as it seems.

I got to know Tracy Poizner there and as I struggled during years - and I mean really deeply struggled - about my teenager daughter, who had signs of "alienation", she could help me as Tracy is an expert on alienation.

So I got in contact with Tracy and in 8 months I had my daughter in Hungary in the motherly grandparents home. I had my daughter with me during a week after 3 years gap.

My daughter was like "nothing happened" and I was like "drinking of her presence", I can't find the right words what it meant to me, I was overflowed with love, I just can't stop watching at her, smell her, looking in her beautiful green eyes. WHAT A FLOW OF HAPPINESS. Thank you Tracy!!!

I have no words to express how grateful I am for the opportunity that I could be a participant of the Stepfamily Summit and for Claudette Chenevert for the organization.

I watched even the husband's video which gives an other aspect about stepfamily life. Men are usually more reserved about their personal life and less talkative in public about this topic. It requires a great courage to speak about such delicate issues knowing that so many people are listening and watching you. It's a big responsibility.

I hope this September we - members of stepfamilies, a huge amount of people - could learn again with Claudette on the Stepfamily Summit. I can't hardly wait it!! There will be a wild variety of answers for stepmoms and stepdads.

See you there!!

Henriett, mom to teen daughter and stepmom to teen son

"The comment about a child-free stepmom feeling there is no one in their corner and (having) a great sense of loneliness because of this is so true. I am also very close to niece and nephews and a total fur-baby mom. I feel like this presentation was written for me. Finally, how I feel was put into words. Thank you so much!" - Heather


Your Ultimate Stepfamily Summit was a Game Changer!

I just can’t say enough good things about this summit! I’ve been raving about it to my husband and even had him sit down to listen to some of the replays with me. It really has been a game changer and has helped me look at many of the challenges and emotions I/we face in our stepfamily life with a new perspective.

Thank you SO much to all of the speakers and to Claudette Chenevert! Please keep this going every year! 


I've Learned a Lot & Gained New Perspective

Thank you so very much for hosting this stepfamily summit! I greatly enjoyed these few days with everyone. I appreciate you, team and all of the speakers for sharing valuable information that is insightful and helpful. Although I have been a stepmom for 13 years and have an abundance of experiences to relate to these topics (some more than others), as well as strategies to utilize, I truly have learned a lot and gained new perspectives; tools to further assist me throughout my journey. I am looking forward to future summits!


The World So Needs More Wonderful People Like You!

This is a wonderful gift for sure.❤️ I cannot thank everyone involved enough for caring to share everything you have learned along your own relationship journeys, giving myself and others in need the treasure of not having to do this difficult life situation alone.
💖This world so needs more wonderful people like all of you!!!
The wonderful gift of knowledge and sharing that knowledge with others - Wisdom.
Thank you!

Frequently asked questions

Is it really FREE to participate?

YES! It is. Each day, you'll have access to that day's roster of presenters for 24 hours. You'll be able to either view their interview or listen to the audio version of it - all in the comfort of your home (office or car.)

All you need to do is click the FREE enroll button and that's it. You're in.

Be sure to whitelist "" to get the details for the summit. We'll be sending that information the first week of September. 

If you haven't received a confirmation email from us, check your spam/junk folder. 

What if I'm not able to view or listen to each session?

We understand that not everyone will be able to view or listen to each session. That's why we're making each day of the summit available for 24 hrs.

You'll also have the option of upgrading where you'll have 12 months access of the video and audio recordings, PDF of the transcripts and the workbook. (details coming soon)

How do I attend the Ultimate Stepfamily Summit?

You'll receive an email from with the details on how to access your workbook, the summit and our brand new Stepfamily Summit Community.

This year, we're simplifying your experience. Once you sign up for the summit, you'll be on our waiting list. In September, we'll send you the details of how to access the Ultimate Stepfamily Summit page, where you'll be able to view each day, all day, as often as you like. No more waiting for a specific scheduled time to view your favorite speaker or topic. 
Be sure to whitelist or add to your contacts to receive our emails. 

Where do I go if I want to upgrade?

I'm so glad you asked because there's so much goodness being shared, you'll want to own the recordings (and transcripts) for years to come. When we send out the details of the summit at the beginning of September, we'll include information on how to upgrade if you're interested in this.

You can also visit our shop page at

How long do I have access to the summit?

When you upgrade, you'll have online access to the content for 12 months. Paid upgrades can download the audio and the transcript onto your personal computer for personal use.

Can I bring my partner or friend to the event?

ABSOLUTELY! We'd love it if you shared our event with anyone who you feel would benefit and appreciate the message we're sharing here. 

The best way to invite others is to send them this link:

We really appreciate having you on board and bringing your friends and family with you.

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit
September 13, 14 and 15, 2023


On a Personal Note 

by Claudette Chenevert
Host, Producer, Presenter

Having been a stepparent for 30+ years, let me tell you: I get how hard it can be! My two stepdaughters are adults now and so is my son, whom my husband helped raise as his stepdad. Sure, some aspects of stepfamily life get easier, but the challenges never end.

I created The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit with YOU in mind—plain and simple—with a goal of helping you ride out the ups and downs of stepfamily life with greater knowledge, resources and grace.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to say "Hi!" while attending the 3rd Ultimate Stepfamily Summit.


Claudette Chenevert
The Stepmom Coach
