Create a strong and healthy stepfamily, one STEP at a time

A married dad since 1993, a divorced dad since 1998, and a remarried dad & stepdad since 2001, Mike Haney has learned a lot – often the hard way – about family life and relationships.
While he had great success in business, Mike made a lot of mistakes,
He wants to show other successful professional men that what works at the office doesn’t always help as husband, dad and stepdad.
Mike’s Courageous Coaching for Men helps successful professional men be better at home: with their wife, all the kids, and with extended family, friends and their community.
He knows how lonely men can feel when dealing with their wives, children, friends, family and all the rest, and he want to help men feel less lonely, more empowered, and better able to make the right decisions for themselves and their families.

Here are some of the main points from Mike's interview:
- Role and challenges of being a stepfather and some common mistakes stepdads make, especially around discipline
- the single most important relationship within the stepfamily dynamics
- Understanding the 'stepfamily triangle'
- Building emotional connections and forming pre-friendships
- Ways the mom can support her partner in developing an emotional bond with her children
(the full version of this session runs 0:39:47 )