Create a strong and healthy stepfamily,   one STEP at a time

Heidi Farrell is married to Tim and stepmom of two young adult stepkids and mom to three "ours" kids, ages 10, 8, and 6, whom she homeschools.

Heidi is a stepfamily life coach and is a recognized Smart Stepfamily Provider, who has completed advanced training in stepfamily therapy.

She loves coming alongside stepmoms, moms, and step couples to help them strengthen their marriages and stepchild-stepparent relationships.

Her coaching includes helping individuals and couples gain confidence in their role, find positive communication and discipline tools, and create healthy boundaries so they achieve peace in their heart and home.

Heidi has a Master's Degree in Music and teaches and plays locally, and runs a community mom's group. She is also a regular contributor for Stepmom Magazine. You can read her blog and find out more about her coaching at or email her at
