Ultimate Stepfamily summit header in pink with world map

WooHoo! You're IN!

Here's What's Next.

woman with red and white blow horn, Welcome

First Thing First

Here's the link to your FREE Gift:
When Avoiding Conflict Can Actually Make Things Worse

We're hard at work on our 5th Ultimate Stepfamily Summit. We're super excited about the content and our speakers this year.

As you’re waiting to get all the details about the best ways to enjoy this summit, let’s take a few moments to review your next steps:

  1. Whitelist Our Email
    Take a moment to whitelist info@TheStepfamilySummit.com or save us to your contact list. This ensures you won't miss any of our upcoming emails about the schedule, bonuses, and gifts, including your companion workbook.
    How To Whitelist Emails On Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook & More

  2. Mark Your Calendar
    Block off time on your calendar right now for September 11th, 12th, and 13th, 2024. You'll get an email at the start of September with the list of speakers and when their presentation times.
  3. Join the Community
    Make sure to join the private Summit Community where you’ll get to connect with other members of the stepfamily community. 
  4. Share Your Thoughts
    I'd love to know what you are most wanting to hear about during this summit. Please fill out this short survey to help us provide information that you can use for your stepfamily situation.  Ultimate Stepfamily Summit Survey.

    I'd love to know what you are most wanting to hear about during this summit. Please fill out this short survey to help us provide information that you can use for your stepfamily situation.
    Ultimate Stepfamily Summit Survey

    Stay tuned,

Claudette Chenevert
Host of The Stepfamily Summit
